By-law Enforcement

By-laws work best when they are used as talking points to set boundaries and expectations of what reasonable conduct looks like in your strata however, sometimes you have to take a stand and enforce the law so people tale them seriously.

In our experience it is prohibitively expensive to get a strata lawyer to run an enforcement case. It can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 to enforce a by-law in the disputes tribunal and this is a no costs jurisdiction meaning you will not recover your legal costs from the wrongdoer. That’s why BylawsOnline offers strata committees and managers a low cost by-law enforcement kit.

Our by-law enforcement kit includes:

  • Polite first warning and “please explain” letters
  • Tips on how to enforce by-laws without causing World War 3 in your strata
  • Best practice guide on by-law enforcement procedure
  • Precedent breach notices
  • Precedent enforcement applications

You can buy this kit from us once and use it as many times as you need.

Price: $475 inc. GST for unlimited use

Get help with by-law enforcement now:


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