New Model By-law Series #1 – Pets

Over the next 10 weeks we’ll be looking at the revisions to NSW’s model by-laws, which come into force on November 30 2016. They won’t automatically affect existing owners, but it’s a great time to consider updating your strata scheme’s by-laws to take advantage of the changes.

This week we’re looking at pets, a contentious issue in strata and one that is being simplified.

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How to avoid regrets with pets

Pets are right up there with impromptu renovations and 3AM rock concerts when it comes to unhappy owners corporations. Their owners love them, people worried about the common property hate them and people drafting by-laws don’t know what to do about them.

First thing’s first. Saying no to one pet is possible without setting a precedent or losing a tribunal hearing. There is a big difference between a pair of hulking German Shepherds and a small Siamese, and the law can allow for this.

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