5 things you need to know about noise in strata

Noise is a common complaint in strata schemes, and one that many new owners struggle to get their heads around. With its effects on sleep, pets and children it’s no wonder that noise disputes often lead to animosity only equalled by parking disputes.

With new strata laws in NSW taking effect next year, there’ll be greater limits on what by-laws can be written and enforced. With this in mind we’ve put together the five things that any strata owner should know about noise issues. These will ensure that you’re on good footing when requesting and applying by-laws.

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What tenants need to know about discrimination in strata

Domain recently highlighted a struggle that tenants face; discrimination more often takes place against them because they’re seen as being impermanent and unreliable. Why bother to assist them with their needs if they’re bound to leave anyway?

Discrimination due to age, like the author faced with her children, or for disability needs such as ramps or companion animals is indeed illegal. People often wrongly try to use by-laws to do this, with some requesting by-laws that prevent the use of certain common property by tenants, or by limiting the types of people that can become tenants.

With this in mind tenants should know their rights:

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By-laws as brickbats: Do’s and Don’ts

There are times when the gloves come off in strata, and they’re rarely pleasant for anyone involved. Many try to use by-laws as a means of settling personal disputes, and seek to bend their interpretation or have new ones drafted to target individuals or niche groups.

What kind of damage does this do?

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Sense of smell and sensibility

Garbage and cigarette smoke, and the smells they bring, are pretty clear-cut issues in strata. With the proper by-laws and a rational owners corporation you can usually curb troublesome smokers and dumpers. Where things get more fraught are troubles such as cooking smells and incense.

For those with sensitive stomachs or a steak-based diet, the smell of a pungent curry can be quite unsettling. Generally the confirmed right of owners to enjoy their property covers the right to cook meals that suit them, as long as they don’t burn down the lot or damage common property in the process.

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Discriminatory by-laws aren’t by-laws at all

Strata schemes have no place being involved in matters of race or religion. Their scope is limited and they exist only to ensure that common property and access to lots is maintained. However this hasn’t stopped people from seeking to use their strata schemes’ by-laws in a discriminatory way.

It’s wrong. It won’t work. Give it up.

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